Hangzhou Sihan Medical Equipment Co.,Ltd.
Hangzhou Sihan Medical Equipment Co.,Ltd.

STORZ insufflator 26430520-1 Repair Case

1. Appearance inspection: Check the appearance of the main unit is intact, and there is no obvious sign of external force damage.

2. Fault phenomenon: The main unit is connected to the AC for detection and internal leakage is found, with occasional abnormal noise.

3. Disassembly inspection: The detection shows that the gas circuit module is contaminated with oil and foreign matter inside. It should be contaminated with oil and foreign matter. The leakage is caused by the failure of the high-pressure valve and the safety valve. The secondary pressure regulating valve is contaminated with oil and foreign matter inside, resulting in damage to the diaphragm.

4. Repair plan: ① Repair the high-pressure valve ② Repair the secondary pressure regulating valve 4 Replace the safety valve 5 Clean the inside of the gas circuit module and calibrate the circuit voltage signal parameters.

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